
Monday, September 17, 2018

                            The Ned Show

 This term we had a man who came to our school to tell us that we are all champions. He had a show called Ned  which he said was also his friend's name. Ned stood for N- never give up, E- encourage others and D- do your best. These three things are what everybody needs to do. He had  a  yo-yo and he did a lot of cool tricks with it like he made the Eiffel Tower with the string of the yo-yo and much much more. He asked us a question at the end What should you do to achieve your dream? Then he picked a few people to answer the question. In the end a girl gave the best answer so she got a prize yo-yo and a balloon crown. Here are some of the photos  from the day: 


  1. Hey Jia, Abigail here. I really like this blog post because the information that you have gathered here was simple and easy to understand. Another thing I liked was the photos you have put in, this reminds me about having to not bully others. Maybe you could add a few more information, but anyways the rest was Amazing.

  2. thanks for your comment Abigail. I really appreciate it.


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