
Friday, March 29, 2019

The Tragedy in Christchurch

                The Tragedy in Christchurch 

 I think we all know what happened at Christchurch but if you don't then you should know. There has been a shooting in Christchurch. On Friday 15th March 50 innocent people were killed. The man who killed these innocent people, his dad had just died and he was angry so he even though he liked Muslim people he didn't want them in New Zealand so he wanted to kill them. There were about a 100 people praying in the two mosques and he killed 50 of them. When we heard about this tragedy we were totally devastated. So we decided to do something nice for them. We had our 1 and 2 minute silence in the honour of those who died. We planted a Kowhai tree. We even made some cards for hospitals, the schools, the work places ect. We have also been doing activities about the shooting in our Reading. We had to set a goal for ourselves, something that we can do as an independent and something that we can do together about racism. On the slideshow that we wrote our goals on there was also a link for the givealittle page where we could see all the people who have donated money to the families who have lost someone in the shooting. Here is a link to the givealittle page and please if you can donate some money too it would be so kind of you.
 If it's someone who has lost someone in the shooting and you are reading this then I want you to know that we are with you 100%.
Here are some of the photos:

 So if you see someone being mean remind them that we all stand as one.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Syndicate treaty

                         Syndicate Treaty

  Hey guys this time's blog is about the important types of respect. We have four different types of respect. They are People, Property, Learning, Safety. We have to respect the code of conduct. Some people do not respect these rules and that cannot go on forever so this is what the students and teachers in our learning space came up with. We have a Waitangi day which we celebrate because this day was when the countries decided to become friends with each other instead of fighting and they asked for some peace. So our class teachers came up with an idea. The idea was that we across our classrooms would make our own treaty. We would come up with a two rules for each treaty and then Miss Daly my teacher would draw it on a old parchment and then after is was drawn we had to sign it and once we sign it we cannot break it. If we choose to break the rules of our treaty, there will be consequences. We had to get into our gender and year groups. So I am a  year 6 girl so I was with all year 6 girls. The groups were: Year 6 girls, Year 6 boys, Year 5 girls, Year 5 boys. Each group had to come up with 2 ideas. We thought it was very responsible of us to make a treaty. Here is our treaty below :

Time line

                           Time Line

   Hello bloggers. A couple of days ago we made a 2018 timeline. Even though it is 2019 we wanted to relive the memories that happened in 2018. At first when we were introduced to it we thought it was pretty easy. But boy were we wrong. We started on it immediately. So first to make a timeline we made a line across in a Google drawing,  then we made miniature lines across the big one and underneath the miniaturised ones we would write the month up until December. On the other side of the line we wrote everything we did in that month that was important. We thought it was easy but once we actually started we realised it was so hard.  We could remember the things we did but we couldn't remember which month we did it in.  Then my friend Abigail said there was another way to find out which month we did things in. We could go to last year's gallery and check the date and month on the photos.   Eventually with the help of the gallery and my friends I managed to finish my timeline. It was really fun to relive the memories that I had with my friends last year. We had so much fun making this!  In our timeline we wrote things like, we went to Tiritiri Matangi,  the zoo and much more. Here is my timeline below check it out. Click on the link below the picture to look at my timeline:

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Getting to know you

                  Getting To Know You {GTKY}

Hello Bloggers. At the start of the school year all of Te Waka Ako which is the senior syndicate filled in a digital form called the Getting to know you form. In the getting to know you form there are nine boxes which you have to fill in. The boxes are:

Your family Background   
Your name
Things That you don't like
Things that you like.
A photo of yourself
What is important to you and your family
Your Friends
What you are good at
What you would want people to know about you.

These are the tings you fill in the boxes. Later on our teachers will print the forms out and stick them on our class wall so when a new kid joins school and looks at the wall they will see our getting to know you's and will get to know  about us. A getting to know you form is a very good way of getting to know each other. Even all of the teachers made getting to know you forms. It took us a very long time to make it but we didn't mind because we had a lot of fun making it. It was really nice to get to know some more information about people I already knew but it was also nice to get to know some of the new students in the school. Here is my getting to know you form below. Hope you get to know something new about me. click the link at the bottom that says Getting to know you to mine.
Getting to Know You

Friday, March 1, 2019



Hello Bloggers. Welcome to 2019's first blog. Today the 1st of March we made a Maori pepeha. A pepeha is when you talk about yourself and your family in Maori., Your mum, your dad, grandparents, or Mountains, a river and many other things are added in it. Last year I had a lot of fun making it, it was even more fun this time. When you make a Pepeha   you have to write an introduction. Then in Maori you write a sentence, for example- Ko Jia toku ingoa. After you make the sentence you add a photo of yourself. After we fill the Pepeha and we write the sentence and the photos we say hello we say goodbye then we screencastify. We read it out ourselves without it showing us. In the screencastify we read out the pepeha and then if we like it we save if into our drive and add it to our 2019 goals slideshow. Here is my pepeha below. I have a lot of fun making my pepeha so I hope you like it: