Gumboot Friday and mental health

everybody in New Zealand is encouraged to wear Gumboots to raise awareness and
there is also a special charity website for Gumboot Friday where you can donate money.
Gumboot Friday recognises Mental Health. They chose Gumboots to stand for Mental
Health because sometimes your mind feels like it is wading through mud with Negative
feelings. Mental Health is very important. Your Mental Health should always be positive.
Bad Mental Health is when people struggle to even get out of bed and feel like there
is no point in doing anything. If you think that you can’t do anything that is very bad]
Mental Health, so stay positive. Good Mental Health means you feel good about yourself
and your capabilities. Its being healthy on the inside and outside.
In our Senior Syndicate we know that bad Mental Health can have a terrible impact on
people and families, so we made small cards for random people that we have never met
that live near our school. Then we searched up some inspirational quotes and statements
that would make people feel good about themselves and wrote them down on the cards.
All of us made more than one card. Then once we had enough cards for our schools
neighbourhood we split into groups of 8.
people and families, so we made small cards for random people that we have never met
that live near our school. Then we searched up some inspirational quotes and statements
that would make people feel good about themselves and wrote them down on the cards.
All of us made more than one card. Then once we had enough cards for our schools
neighbourhood we split into groups of 8.
Then we were assigned a street close to our school and posted our cards in any random
letter boxes of the houses that we passed. The two quotes that I did were “ Your smile
is like a ray of hope so keep smiling” and “ Someday everything will make perfect sense.
So for now laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself
that everything happens for a reason.” This fabulous idea came from a girl named Neeve.
Some of the students including me were chosen to do a Healthy Puketapapa
Student Questionnaire pamphlet in which we had to write down what is important and
Neeve chose Mental Health. This all was her idea and we did this to uplift other people.
It even relates to our inquiry topic for this year “ HAUORA WELL-BEING”. I think this
is a super great idea. Here are some of the photos of us and some of our cards:
letter boxes of the houses that we passed. The two quotes that I did were “ Your smile
is like a ray of hope so keep smiling” and “ Someday everything will make perfect sense.
So for now laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself
that everything happens for a reason.” This fabulous idea came from a girl named Neeve.
Some of the students including me were chosen to do a Healthy Puketapapa
Student Questionnaire pamphlet in which we had to write down what is important and
Neeve chose Mental Health. This all was her idea and we did this to uplift other people.
It even relates to our inquiry topic for this year “ HAUORA WELL-BEING”. I think this
is a super great idea. Here are some of the photos of us and some of our cards: