
Friday, May 31, 2019

Student led Toolkits

                        Student Led Toolkits

 Hey there bloggers. How are you doing? Today I am going to tell you about something so much fun. On Tuesday the 28th of May some students from my school got selected to go to he student led toolkits. All the schools that are in the Ako Hiko cluster get together at a different school each year. This year it was Hay Park School. We went there by some of the teacher's cars. Once we got there we were told the three activities we will be doing and where they will be held. We saw a slide show of names and classes we had to see which slide our name was on. 

My first activity was to learn how to create a kahoot. The student led toolkits is called the student led toolkits because other students from all kinds of different schools teach us not any of the teachers. The students leading the kahoot told us how to get there and then what to press to start creating a kahoot. I did as they had told. Then we got to choose a topic anything we like to create a kahoot about. I chose Harry Potter Lines. I love Harry Potter so much that I remember each line by heart. I got time to make half the kahoot but then it was almost time to go to play so we saved out kahoots and bookmarked them. We then got a little time to play the kahoots that the other children had made and had finished them. After that we got to play and eat some snacks for a little time. The school had a awesome bake sale and I had some money so I bought some brownies and some cookies. Then we went back inside and went for the second session.

My second session was Stop! Go! Animation. I went there and we had to be in groups of two or three. I was with Brooklyn and Brittany. The students there showed us how to use stop, go, animation. Then we used an iPad and got onto the app and set the background. Then we used small action figures/ toys to film them. It was a success. It was a lot of fun making this.

My last activity was Google Drawing Art. The students there told us to choose anything that is a cartoon characters it could even be animals. I chose my favourite animal a bunny. They then told us to use the pollyline to trace and draw the animals we did that and it turned out great.  I traced and I added a grassy land once I had finished drawing the bunny. Then I added some carrots and a bowl of water as well as a girl standing in the background near her house with the sun shining bright. It was a fun activity. We then went back to the others and did some prizes then we went on the car and came back to school. It truly was a great experience.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Anti Bullying Letterbox Drop

              Anti-Bullying Letterbox Drop

Hello bloggers. I hope you guys remember my old blog post about the Gumboot Friday letterbox drop, well last week on the 17th of May on Friday we did something quite similar. In the past week we were given some small cardboard T-shirts. We had to write a Anti-Bullying message on them and then decorate and colour them. It was the same as Gumboot Friday but this time we were doing them on a T-shirt and instead of writing feel good messages we were writing Anti-Bullying messages. We had to make at least 3 or 4. It was up to us if we wanted to make more than 3. I made 4. Once we had enough cards to go post them in random letterboxes we were put into groups and were assigned a teacher. I was with Ama again. My assigned teacher was my lovely class teacher Miss Daly. We lined up outside and got some random cards. The card didn't have to be our own. I got one of mine and two others. We walked with our teacher outside our school and went to a street called Quona Avenue. We posted the cards and started our walk. I hoped that the people who got our cards liked them. Once we returned back to our school we sat down on the deck while waiting for all the others to come back. It was a really great experience. I enjoyed this just as much as Gumboot Friday. Well see you next time bloggers.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Fruit and Veggies

                           Fruit and Veggies

 Hello Bloggers. A few days ago for our Inquiry we did a really fun activity. Our teachers had told us to wait outside while they set vegetables all around our class rooms. The vegetables were set on pieces of paper with numbers on them. There were 36 of them. We had to be in pairs and go around the class with a piece of paper. We could smell the vegetable or fruit but we couldn't touch them or eat them.  There were 36 boxes on the paper and we had to guess the fruit and vegetable and write what we think it is onto our piece of paper.  There were some pretty weird things so that I had never even  seen in my life. There were stuff like Kiwano, Aubergine, Leak etc.  We had a time limit. Once the time was over we sat down and switched our paper with someone else and the teacher read out the correct things. If the person who's paper we had had gotten it right then we would give them a tick if not then we would leave it blank. Then once we graded the papers we switched them back to we could see what our score was. The highest score was 27 out of 36 by a boy named Atreyu and Ama. Then we got to choose a vegetable or fruit from the ones that were there. Me and my buddy chose figs. Then we each had to make a google drawing about our chosen fruit or vegetable. Some of the things we had to add in the google drawing were: What are they used for? A nice recipe, Where can you find them? Where they grow. There was much more. These activities were really fun and I really enjoyed them. Well see you next time bloggers.

Friday, May 3, 2019



 Last term we were very busy writing narratives. We all had to do one. We had to choose a photos from some options we had and then we had to look at the photo and write our stories. I chose a photo of a place from India, my home country. I really had fun writing this because I write and read a lot at home. Overall I think I did pretty well on the narrative because I had a lot of ideas and we used a google doc for writing our narratives and mine was 5 pages long. I especially think I did well because two of my friends read my narrative and said that it was really good and that they didn't want it to stop. They even asked me if I was going to make it into a series book because they wanted me to. I told them yes and now when I have free time at home I write the other part of the books. I really loved doing this activity so this activity for me was a success. The photo I chose to do my story on is on the side. To read my story click on the words " Jia's Story link" below and you will be able to read it.

 Jia's Story Link