Hip Hop
Hey Bloggers. Welcome back. In our school each term we have different sport or activity. We participate in the activity for about 5 weeks. This Term we did Hip Hop. We had Hip Hop every Wednesday after lunch. Our Hip Hop teacher's name was Miss Millie. We start off with the warm up. You would think our warm up would be just like any other warm up but no. For our warm up we stand in a circle and Miss Millie starts. Miss Millie can do a dance move or a stretch. Once she has done hers she would choose which way the circle would go, clockwise or anticlockwise. Then the person next to Miss Millie would do the same they would choose either a dance move or a stretch and so on.

For the first 3 weeks we did a very fun activity after the warm up. We were put into groups of 6 and they would be the people who were standing beside you in the circle warm up. Then you and your group would make a line and there would be one leader. As soon as Miss Millie starts the music the leader of the group has to start doing a dance move and walk around the room. The others who are behind the leader would copy the leader and follow her or him around the room. and then when the music stops the person who is behind the leader would switch and become the next leader and the first leader would go to the back. We then learnt some new Hip Hop moves.

In our fourth week we did something a little bit more fun. We were told to get into groups of three. I was with my friends Hosanna and Brittany. Our job was to use our body and make a rhythmic sound. We came up with something brilliant. We stood in a triangle. At first Hosanna was the point of the triangle and she can do any kind of sound pattern she wanted to do. She would do it once then I would do it with her the second time and then Brittany would join her the third time. Then we would switch. I would be the next point of the triangle. We would repeat the way we have been doing the things and then at the end Hosanna and Brittany would stand on either side of me and point to me sitting on the ground and then I would do a cool sound pattern that I learnt a long time ago. Then we would perform in front of all of the people in our class and they would do the same.
Due to our busy term, we unfortunately missed about 3 sessions of Hip Hop. In our second to last week of Hip Hop we did something super duper fun. We had to be in pairs or groups of 3. I was with Brittany. We had learned a dance that day, a sitting one. Then in our groups/ pairs we had to make up our dance for the rest of the song. By the time we finished doing our steps it was time for the class to end so our Hip Hop teacher said that next week we can perform these dances for everybody. Since the week after that was our last week at Hip Hop and school we had extra fun. We performed our dances after a quick practice then danced on the other songs that we had learned before. Hip Hop was a great experience for me. I loved it a lot. Well Thank you for reading. Blog You later.
Climate Change March
Hello bloggers. So on the 24th of May Friday the Year 5 and 6 students attended the Climate Change March at Aotea Square marching down Queen Street. We made signs in pairs to chant with at the march. I was with Abigail. On the day we were supposed to share one bag our of 2 or three people. We would carry snacks. Ama later joined our group and we used her bag. We took a bus to Aotea Square. We talked all the way there. Then once we reached we walked down to where the march started the whole way chanting " HEY HEY HO HO CLIMATE CHANGE HAS GOT TO GO". We reached our destination and while we were waiting for the march to start we sat down and ate a small snack. The three of us shared our snacks with each other. Some reporters were even interviewing some students from our school.
The March began soon after we arrived. The three of us held hands with each other and the other hand was holding up our sign. We stuck together so we wouldn't lose each other. We were put into groups and us three were with one of the student's mom. We followed our group leader as best we could. We were chanting the whole time. Every big interjection we came across we had to lie down on the road for a couple of minutes. Then we would get up and start marching again. The teachers made all of us wear orange beanies. Even the teachers were wearing them. They made us wear them because in case we get lost and lose the group we just have to find someone with an orange beanie. The three of us took tuns holding the bag and the sign. There was another chant that we did it was " NO MORE COAL NO MORE OIL KEEP THAT CARBON IN THE SOIL". At 2 o'clock the march ended and we walked to a beautiful park. It was called the MAHUHU KITE RANGI Park. The park had a beautiful pond/waterfall and there were stone benches, there was a big grassy area and many big stones for us to sit on. The park was just in front of Abigail's mom's office so she had been here before. She told us that sometimes ducks come there. We played there for a while and then our bus back to school arrived. We climbed aboard. We talked at the way back too. Once we reached school we got a little bit of play time. Then it was time for us to go home.
It was truly important that we went on the march. It was a really great experience. When there is another march I really hope that you come. It will be great a great way of helping the planet. Climate Change is a really big issue. That's all for now. Blog You Later.
Novel Activity
Hello Bloggers, and welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to tell you about my reading novel activity. In our reading groups, everyone was given a novel to read that we would be doing activities on. My novel was The Secret Of Jelly Mountain - By Des Hunt. We had to read the whole book and then answer some comprehension questions about two or more of the chapters. Our first comprehension question was from chapter 3-4 and the next one was from 8-12.
The first comprehension questions sheet [ that was from 3-4] had 10 question just like the other one but this one had an eleventh activity. The novel is mainly orientated on Huia being found on Jelly Mountain. So we had to do a google drawing of facts about the Huia. We had to write 6 facts about the Huia. It was a lot of fun finding several new information about the Huia. In the novel, there was a lot of information about global warming. They told us what global warming is doing to many animals. Many animals are dying. So because of this I really liked this book because Jesse and Jason, the main characters, are trying to stop global warming to the best of their capabilities, and are fighting for the right to live for the animals. The most important theme of this novel would have to be determination because Jesse and Jason were super determined to find a way to get to the top of Jelly Mountain when nobody else could figure it out. They never gave up or lost hope and because of that they finally found a way to the top as a gift for never giving up. Another theme of this novel would be extinct animals. This novel talks a lot about many new and different animals that are extinct or will soon be extinct. Like the Huia and the Tuatara. Below are the links to my work. Click on the purple words to view my work. Below the links are my comprehension question photos. Have a look. Blog You Later.