
Friday, March 1, 2019



Hello Bloggers. Welcome to 2019's first blog. Today the 1st of March we made a Maori pepeha. A pepeha is when you talk about yourself and your family in Maori., Your mum, your dad, grandparents, or Mountains, a river and many other things are added in it. Last year I had a lot of fun making it, it was even more fun this time. When you make a Pepeha   you have to write an introduction. Then in Maori you write a sentence, for example- Ko Jia toku ingoa. After you make the sentence you add a photo of yourself. After we fill the Pepeha and we write the sentence and the photos we say hello we say goodbye then we screencastify. We read it out ourselves without it showing us. In the screencastify we read out the pepeha and then if we like it we save if into our drive and add it to our 2019 goals slideshow. Here is my pepeha below. I have a lot of fun making my pepeha so I hope you like it:

1 comment:

  1. Nice Pepeha. It's nice to hear you speak Maori. Hope I too can learn the language from you.


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