
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

                         Dazzler Digs On 

Today we have been working in our figure it out books. Our activity is called Dazzler Digs On. It is about a dog who buries his bones and takes away some, sometimes adds some and we have to say the answer of the questions. We started the activity with our group teacher. Most of the groups did this activity. This was a really fun activity especially because we all did it together with each others help. Here is a link to my screen casting about Dazzler digs on and its answers.  Click on the word link that is blue at the bottom and then there will be a link for you to watch.


Monday, September 17, 2018

                            The Ned Show

 This term we had a man who came to our school to tell us that we are all champions. He had a show called Ned  which he said was also his friend's name. Ned stood for N- never give up, E- encourage others and D- do your best. These three things are what everybody needs to do. He had  a  yo-yo and he did a lot of cool tricks with it like he made the Eiffel Tower with the string of the yo-yo and much much more. He asked us a question at the end What should you do to achieve your dream? Then he picked a few people to answer the question. In the end a girl gave the best answer so she got a prize yo-yo and a balloon crown. Here are some of the photos  from the day: 